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Voted one of the top 10 hot tubs in the UK with an epic view, by Coolstays

Hot tubs are great! Make it a wood fired hot tub and it’s even better. Add a spectacular view and its epic!

Why Wood Fired?

Firstly no chemicals have been added and no one else has used your water. It’s clean, pure and straight from our own bore hole, kinder to you and your skin!

Experience using the stove and heating the water!

This is all part of the experience don’t try to rush it. Light the kindling add more wood and get the fire roaring. Sure, you have to monitor the fire, it will take a little longer than an electric hot tub, but it will be worth it. Take your time, have a beer or a glass of wine. Maybe get lunch or dinner ready while you wait for the water to heat up.

Finally Relax!

There is nothing quite like a hot tub in the countryside, enoy………